Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy busy busy busy...BUSY!

These next few weeks are going to be a whirl wind...

-Hosting Thanksgiving (My sister and nephew are staying with us over the weekend too)
-Attending a 1st birthday party for a special little girl :)
-Hosting a Christmas Party for friends (for which I found a great dress to wear! Its a celebration of sorts, I'll explain that later)
-Then maybe we'll have a couple weeks off in which to go Christmas shopping
-My sister and nephew will be staying with us again Christmas week :)
-Family Christmases with husband's family and then my family
-And lastly probably a New Year's Eve event at some point

Boy am I glad I am a stay at home mom. If I were working I'd be pulling my hair out with all the things we are doing!

So there ya have it. The modern family, always going. But I don't mind when all the going has to do with being surrounded by family and friends :).

(oh by the way, you can sing the title money money money...MONEY!)

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